Spoiler: The Society Cast's Real Ages Would Make Them All Super Seniors

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Netflix's newest teen drama, The Society, features a group of high schoolers who return from a trip for upperclassmen — juniors and seniors, ages 16 and above only — to find that they've been dropped off in a perfect replica of their wealthy New England hometown. And it's completely deserted, save for them. But in reality, The Society cast's ages are nowhere near a sweet 16.
On the show, teens must quickly adapt to their new reality in what they now call “New Ham” while figuring out where they actually are, why they’re there, and how they can leave — if that’s even possible. Needless to say, things quickly evolve into a sort of suburban Lord of the Flies (mixed with the mystery of a Lost or a Leftovers, too). Soon the classmates must figure out who should lead, who they should trust, and how they can keep themselves alive as they attempt to make their way back to their families — or any other living beings at all. Some of the kids don’t necessarily cope with their new situation very well, leading to plenty of drama.
A few of the cast members will be recognizable (particularly to fans of prestige TV like Big Little Lies and Legion), but for the most part they’re still pretty new to Hollywood (owing to the fact that most of them are fresh out of school). And while they are largely industry newbies, almost none of them are teens...

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