18 Things You Didn't Know About Rocketman, But Need To

Photo: courtesy of Paramount Pictures.
Rocketman, the big hearted, long-awaited Elton John biopic, burst onto the screen on May 31. We've been humming ever since. Rocketman is an exuberant biopic. But it's not necessarily an accurate one. The movie trades in chronological accuracy for emotional potency. Who cares about when the song actually came out, so long as it fits with the plot?
Overall, Rocketman is more concerned with creating an intimate impression of Elton John than recreating Elton John — and it really, really works. Helmed by Taron Egerton's unforgettable performance, Rocketman captures John's spirit, as well as his struggle. For the people who stumble out of the theater with a head full of music, the song "Rocketman" will forever be associated with John's personal journey.
Here are the easter eggs, historical tidbits, and strange convergences that the newly formed Rocketman fandom needs to know.

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