Everyone In The Stuber Cast Has Been In Something You Should Watch Immediately

Photo: Courtesy of EPK.
Do you ever get into an Uber thinking your life is going to drastically change in a crazy way and you’re about to be pulled into some wild ride, literally and figuratively? Probably not (or at least that's hopefully not what you think when you get into a rideshare), but that’s the gist of Stuber. The movie is about Stu, an Uber driver (Stu + Uber = Stuber) who picks up a cop who's chasing a murderer. So now that you know where the title of the movie comes from, what about everyone who’s actually in the cast of Stuber?
You’ve definitely seen some of these faces before, whether they were making you laugh, cry, or doing both all while saving the world in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Stuber is full of actors you know and love, or you should know and love for what they’re doing on the big and small screen. If you’re stuck trying to figure out who’s who in the sprawling cast, here’s a handy guide as to where you’ve come across everyone before — and if not, you just found a new show you need to binge ASAP (Hello, Betty Gilpin in Glow).

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