Plane Passenger Using His Feet To Operate In-Flight Screen Unites Internet In Disgust

Photo: iStock/Getty Images.
There is, at last, one thing that everyone on Twitter can agree on: The sight of a man using his feet on his in-flight entertainment screen on an airplane is truly disgusting. If all stores sell out of disinfecting wipes this week, you'll know why.
Author Alafair Burke bestowed this unifying gift upon the Internet on Monday, at the behest of a friend who shot it.
"My friend who doesn’t have twitter sent this from her flight," she wrote. "It belongs on Twitter."
After calming their gag reflex, a compassionate viewer might ask whether this man had to use his feet because of a physical disability.
Actress Meredith Salenger was one of those people. "Are we sure this person has hands? He’s not disabled?" she asked.
If we didn't or couldn't know the answer, we would have no choice but to condemn the gross-out comments that followed. But we do know the answer: "The photographer confirms that she saw him walk on and off the plane, carrying his own bag," Burke wrote. "He just likes to watch TV with his bare feet."
Of late, Twitter has become the place where people come to share their disgust for others' personal hygiene habits and others to defend their shower routines (see: The Great Leg-Washing Debate of 2019). In this case, the only point of contention appears to be whether this is THE grossest things they've ever seen or just one of the top 10.
"Time for the meteor to end us as a species," wrote Elan Gale, a producer of The Bachelor.
The video brought great vindication to all who routinely wipe down their germ-infested airplane seats with antibacterial wipes. Many pledged to increase their efforts to Naomi Campbell levels (complete with rubber gloves) from now on.
A clever social media person from Clorox took advantage of the viral thread, commenting, "We make Clorox Disinfecting Wipes in an easy-travel pack now."
"Make more," Burke replied.
Once you do that full wipe down, you might want to stick to using your own iPad, phone or laptop to watch videos. Sure those are usually full of their own microbes, too, but at least you know where they've been.

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