Impeachment Costumes Are Trending & They’re Not What You Think

Impeachment Fever Fall is underway, so don’t be surprised if you see a bunch of let's-get-rid-of-Trump-themed costumes out and about this Halloween. While the actual impeachment proceedings and investigation have been rolling along at a federal government-style glacial pace, the public excitement for any inkling of potential change is palpable. Check out all of the impeachment-costume ideas, ahead.
So, how can you get in on the action? If you don't feel like DIY-ing your Halloween costume, there is an honest-to-god Miss Impeachment costume you can order on Yandy for $79.95. It consists of a peach, floor-length dress, a "Miss Impeachment" sash complete with emoji decals, a rhinestone-studded tiara, and — but of course — a silver whistle. "No quid pro quo required," according to Yandy.
If the pageant-queen look isn't for you, not a problem — we have options here, people. You can go more conceptual — and comfy — and just wear a giant peach ($39.99). Don't worry, everyone will know what you're going for.
Courtesy of Boodee.
Of course, if you don't feel like shelling out for something you'll wear once and probably spill a drink on, you can also always make your own impeachment-themed costume.
You don't necessarily need to be a peach, either. As we suggested in our politically themed Halloween costume ideas roundup, there are other impeachment-themed costumes. You can channel House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with a statement necklace and structured blazer. Or, dress as a whistleblower (pretty self-explanatory), or the redacted Mueller Report. You can accomplish this look in all-black with a hint of white peeking out to represent the non-redacted words. Alternately, may we suggest the U.S. Constitution? And, if you're not as into costumes, find some impeachment cocktail and recipe ideas here.

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