These Are The Best Short TV Shows For Holiday Bingeing

PHoto: Courtesy of CBC Television.
I have definitely been guilty of not starting that TV show everyone keeps telling me to watch because it's just too much to get through. Shows like Game Of Thrones and Westworld have made over-an-hour-long episodes a thing now in the world of TV, and as someone with a strict bedtime, that ain't okay. However, the short and sweet TV shows haven't gone away, you just may have missed them squeezed in between Khal Drogo's abs and Dolores' poofy skirt.
TV shows that are around 30 minutes less are so much easier to consume, and you actually feel productive after a day of watching TV because, hey, you finished a whole season! Plus, with so many streaming services now out there to choose from, the options are practically endless. You may not have time to watch all the TV shows that are at your disposal, but you'll definitely have time to catch up on these shorter episodes either in between your actual responsibilities, or all in one go when you've decided to take a weekend for yourself.
Ahead are the best short TV shows you can snack on right now.

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