29 Songs That Defined Us In The The 2010s

Taylor Swift said it best: "We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time." We started the decade singing about being 22. By the end of it, many of us felt like we were turning 102, as we plot our revenge on the patriarchy, abusers, and reply guys to the sound of the Succession theme.
A decade full of such dramatic change in its political and social attitudes with regard to women's rights and equality was bound to produce a sonic landscape that is all over the place — and wow, did it deliver. The idea of popular music in the 2010s has nearly died. Other than a handful of songs that go viral and artists who can sell over a million records, we're officially living in a world with AirPods and streaming services where we can, and do, curate our own musical experiences. We are not listening to the same thing at the same time with more frequency than ever before.
With that idea in mind, several of Refinery29's top music enthusiasts weighed in on the songs that defined them in the 2010s. From One Direction filling the boy band void to the power of Beyoncé to having your face melted by Billie Eilish, these are the songs that truly soundtracked our lives in a tumultuous decade.

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