Your Horoscope This Week


We’re ready to throw caution to the wind on Sunday when lucky Jupiter trines unpredictable Uranus. Use this exciting transit to get yourself out of a rut, or explore a new venture. Pay attention to how you manage stress on Wednesday as the Moon waxes into her third quarter in perfectionist Virgo at 11:56 p.m. EST. Take a step back and look at the big picture before you get lost in the details. Redirect your energy with guided precision on Thursday as ambitious Mars sextiles practical Saturn. This favorable transit lends us the endurance we need to see out difficult tasks. This is a great day to begin a new fitness routine or finish up a stagnant project. It could be challenging to get your words out on Thursday as messenger Mercury squares against dreamy Neptune. Double-check your emails and give yourself a little extra time to collect your thoughts as these planets clash against each other. Protect your energy against people who might seek to take advantage of you. We’re ready to experiment with ethereal aesthetics starting Friday as material Venus enters otherworldly Aquarius. This transit also brings a spirit of independence to our romantic relationships, allowing our partners and friends to have more autonomy. Break out of your social routines and meet new people as Venus moves through this intellectual sign. It’s time to raise our standards starting Saturday as the Sun enters prudent Capricorn. We’re ready to set new rules for ourselves as we review the past year, learning from our mistakes. Capricorn is all about measurable results, so why not dive back into journaling to measure the progress in the things that you want to change?

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