The Best Last-Minute Gifts To Buy From Trader Joe’s

Photographed by Beth Sacca.
So you’re getting dressed for a holiday party and have failed to find something in your apartment to throw in for the White Elephant gift exchange. Maybe you have no idea whose house you’re going to for this holiday cookie party you told your friend you’d accompany her to, and thus have nothing to offer the host. Or maybe you just ran out of money and ideas for yet another gift exchange.
I’m here to tell you something: It’s okay to look for gifts at Trader Joe’s. After all, you give gifts to people you love... or at least care about. And if they love or care about you in return, they will appreciate the gesture and take the gift for what it’s worth. They should, under no circumstances, judge you for buying a gift at a grocery store. In fact, I'm pretty sure the moment when they unwrap your gift will play out a little something like this: “I can’t believe this is from Trader Joe’s!” Cut. Print. Happy Holidays.

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