Everyone Who Joined Kristen Stewart In The Cast Of Underwater

Photo: Courtesy of 20th Century Fox.
We’ve got our first big movie of the year, and hopefully, you can hold your breath because we’re going underwater. That also happens to be the title of this movie, too, as it takes place under the sea and it’s all about the scary things you might uncover on the ocean floor. A horror movie set in total darkness far beneath the surface? Underwater is like Aliens, but it's beneath the waves, so don’t even try screaming down here — save all the breath you can for now. 
Trying her best to survive down there, is Kristen Stewart in Underwater's lead role; she's doing a great job mimicking Alien's Ripley (with the buzzcut and everything!). She’s part of a crew on a mining station several miles underwater and if you think there’s any way this story will end well, think again. Things start going horribly wrong and after an earthquake wrecks the station, the crew’s got to survive in the depths of the ocean and outlast whatever’s lurking down there. 
Stewart isn’t alone in trying to survive, as the cast is made up of other badass survivalists (and some... not so badass) down below. This is the cast of Underwater.

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