Your Horoscope This Week


We're ready to take on new thought processes on Monday, when the Sun lights up Aquarius. Now is the time to let go of old ways of thinking and pursue different ideas.
Work to be proactive on Thursday, when the Sun squares against unpredictable Uranus. We may not be able to control the outcome of events during this tumultuous transit, but we can manage our approach and our attitude towards others. We could be tempted to break our resolutions on Thursday, when material Venus sextiles against lucky Jupiter. These planets complement each other, and encourage us to live in excess. This is a great day to learn to be happy with what we’ve got. Link up with friends during this movement, or reach out to someone that you’d like to get to know better.
Sit with your emotions before setting intentions on Friday at 4:41 p.m. EST, when the Moon begins a new cycle in Aquarius. This transit squares against chaotic Uranus, influencing our minds to become more easily distracted and unpredictable.
We're feeling up to putting our money where our mouths are on Saturday, when chatty Mercury sextiles fiery Mars. Use this favorable transit to fuel your ambitions and go after what you want. This is a beautiful day to make a bold move or get together with your favorite people. 

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