A Guide To All The Characters Unraveling Locke & Key’s Big Mystery

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Are you looking for a Netflix show that’s a little bit Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy and The Haunting of Hill House? If you answered "yes" to even one of those binge-worthy shows, then oh, is there a brand new Netflix original for you. Based on the comic series of the same name, Locke & Key is all about a family trying to get through a tragic event together while living in a weirdly spooky house — and there are ghosts, monsters, and gateways to otherworldly places! 
And just like those other Netflix shows, Locke & Key has a sprawling cast of main characters and supporting players who, in the end, may or may not be evil. The core of the show is the family — the Lockes — which is made up of mom and three kids, who all move across the country after their dad is violently murdered. Once settled into their new home, the kids — Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode — start to explore their new location and make friends along the way, some of who will help them, others who are simply out to cause destruction. 
The cast of Locke & Key is made up of actors you might have seen before, but a lot of them are definitely all up-and-coming names which mean they’re only going to get more popular from here. Here’s every character and actor in Locke & Key season 1.

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