The Celebrity Stories In Have A Good Trip Are As Wild As The Drugs

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
While marijuana may be pop culture's recreational drug of choice right now, it's not the only way to get high. Though widely regarded as being considerably more risky than weed, psychedelics are another interesting classification of drugs that send the human brain into altered states of reality.
In the new Netflix documentary Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics, Emmy-winner director Donick Cary explores the mental, physical, and sociocultural implication of psychedelic drug use. And shit gets weird. Like, trees-coming-alive-and-talking-to-you weird.
In addition to fleshing out the many possibilities of hallucinogens in modern medicine, Have a Good Trip also relies on the trippy testimonies of some of entertainments biggest names. You'd never know it, but more of Hollywood has tried LSD, acid, and mushrooms than you'd expect, and they've got a host of colorful and completely insane stories to prove it.
Have a Good Trip, now available for streaming on Netflix, takes viewers on a wild ride down the rabbit hole of psychedelics — without even having to partake yourself. Ahead, every celebrity who appears in the trippy documentary.

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