The Best Crystals To Use During A Full Moon, According To Zodiac Sign

Photographed by Ryan Williams.
If you're a believer in crystals, bring out your collection tonight — it's a full moon (a Super Flower Moon, to be precise), and their powers will be extra strong.
"Since each of the twelve zodiac signs is ruled by one of the seven traditional planets, each full moon will carry the energy of the crystal that relates to the planetary ruler of that particular sign," explains Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for and "For example, when the full moon is in Aries, it calls us to connect with crystals that hold the energy of Mars, and when the full moon is in Taurus, we can access the energy of Venus, its planetary ruler."
We asked Montúfar to tell us what crystals to keep close by during the full moon that falls in each zodiac sign.
(Note: Each month's full moon doesn't necessarily fall into that month's zodiac sign. For example, tonight's Super Flower Moon falls in Scorpio, not Taurus. A site like can tell you what sign each month's moon is in, so you can choose the right crystal.)

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