18 Great Movies Hiding On Netflix Right Now

Photo: Sony/Columbia/Marvel/Kobal/Shutterstock.
With more streaming outlets come more streaming options — so many that you'll spend more time scrolling than actually viewing. How could we choose just one movie? (Don't worry. I'm here to help you with that.) And while we all love a Netflix original (this writer watches Someone Great once a week, okay?), sometimes, it's nice to watch a movie that was actually released in theaters. Remember those? With the popcorn and the Milk Duds and the dimming lights and the talking people sitting two rows behind you and the shushing?
Netflix is constantly moving around new content, but this list of great movies on Netflix is old-school and hopefully here to stay on the streaming giant for a while. There's horror, there's thriller, there's comedy. There's stuff from the 1970s, 1980s, and 2010s. Blockbusters and indie films and big directors and even bigger stars. Some of them you've seen, and some you haven't. So in these dogs days of summer, why not close the shades, pump the air conditioning, pop that popcorn, dump in those Milk Duds, and get as close to the movie theater viewing experience with a new-to-you old flick on your sofa. Hell, make it a double feature.

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