The Best Limited Series Of 2020, From Emmy Nominated Hits To The Biggest Snubs

Photo: Courtesy of Hulu.
Want to marathon a TV show, but not commit yourself to six seasons worth of viewing? A limited series is the way to go. A quick eight to ten episodes and you're done, ready to go off and convince your friends about how they absolutely must watch Chernobyl. Well, this year, the Emmys have nominated five more limited series that you can watch in a weekend and then badger everyone about.
Of this year's nominees, four are adaptations of books or articles, while the fifth is based on a true story from American history. There's a new look at a classic comic book, a drama about life in the late '90s suburbs, a harrowing detective story about sexual assault allegations, the story of a woman who fled her strict religious community, and a real-life story of American feminism. Can you guess what they all are?
In addition to the five nominated series, the following slideshow also features two shows that were snubbed by the Academy that you may want to check out.
Click through, watch the trailers, and decide if you're in the mood for an alternate American history involving fascism or two attractive 20-somethings having a passionate years long affair. There's something for everyone!

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