Your Horoscope This Week: June 6, 2021

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano.
There’s never a dull moment in the cosmos, and this week’s astrology is certainly no exception. As we roll full steam ahead under Mercury’s apparent retrograde — made ever the more intense with a square to Neptune — it’s likely that many of us will feel like champions after accomplishing a simple errand or, frankly, making it through the work week without an emotional breakdown. Not that some sort of dramatic event is inevitable — although chaos is ostensibly a part of being alive. It’s just that the little things add up, especially when they’re stacked on top of big collective things that get better only to get worse. 
The square to Neptune is a muddy ongoing influence, making it difficult to focus on matters at hand since Neptune has the tendency to create confluence where separation is wise. Saturn’s continuing square to Uranus certainly doesn’t help the situation. But, like a beautiful feast set on a wobbly table, the solar eclipse in Gemini arrives midweek to remind us that our feelings are not here to mold our lives — they are here to inform us. With Saturn’s position in Aquarius, we’re encouraged to hold what we witness as truth against what we feel, and honor both the sun and the moon. Cleave them together and apart; know that they are in a relationship, and how we choose to respond is informed by our ability to recognize that.

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