Your Horoscope This Week: July 25, 2021

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano

Our final week of July pulls us deeper under the influence of Leo’s stars with Mercury moving into Leo on the 27th, where the Sun and Mars have already made their mark. There’s a prevailing sense that anything can happen this week. And if that anything is big, blessed, and beautiful? Then so be it. 
Of course, Mars is bound toward Virgo territory on the 29th, but not before making an opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius the preceding day. An opposition between the willpower of the individual and the collective aim feels especially poignant following last week’s full moon in Aquarius, an echo of its lessons. Venus in Virgo makes an inconjunct aspect to Saturn in Aquarius on the 29th, calling us to examine when acts of services are acts of love and when their purpose is to control the emotions of others — an impossible feat no matter how often we attempt it. If something big and beautiful were to happen, surely it would happen when our hands were open and our fists unclenched? Meanwhile, the quarter moon in Taurus encourages us not only to open our hands, but also to learn to stay still, and receive the fruits of our labors. 
On the first of August, the Sun and Mercury meet in the sky and the signs we’ve been waiting for are sure to appear. But, a sign’s only as good as its reader. After all, “no one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong.” You’ve got to find your light yourself.

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