Your Weekly Horoscope: November 21st to 27th, 2021

Conceptual illustration of woman representing the Sagittarius astrological sign and a banner that reads "Sagittarius"
Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
It’s the last full week of November and the end of Scorpio season, but not the end of Scorpio’s influence, what with Mars still making his mark under Scorpio’s stars. Still, the universe is wise and our Sun’s ingress in Sagittarius is a welcome relief following an especially potent lunar eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Even the stars need a break from time to time, to recover and to reflect. The days leading up to the quarter moon in Virgo on the 27th are just that. An opposition between the Sun in Sagittarius and the North Node in Gemini on the 23rd encourages us to leave space for what we don’t yet know, to live in the story before we decide how it ends. Mercury in Sagittarius follows the impulse with an opposition to the North Node on the 25th, asking: “Are you sure? Is that true? Could there be another truth?” — before we put our feet in our mouths. Saturn in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries on the 26th, supporting our efforts to circumnavigate the paths formed by old wounds, to stop what has harmed us from hemming us in. By the 28th, the Sun’s conjunction to Mercury should feel like an alignment, a light that clarifies our intentions, that helps us mean what we say and say what we mean — even if it hurts.

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