Your Horoscope This Week: February 6th to February 12th, 2022


The second week of February finds us knee deep in the Capricorn mud. Mercury moves steadily toward Pluto until they make a conjunction on February 11, and Mars and Venus in Capricorn make their own way forward stone by muddy stone. The Sun shines bright in Aquarius against the winter blues of the Northern Hemisphere, but on Earth, the road ahead must be cleared before it can be illuminated. Tenacious Mars in Capricorn makes a square to irreverent Chiron in Aries on the 6th before making a trine to destabilizing Uranus in Taurus on the 8th. There’s a prevailing feeling that if a change is coming, it comes slowly and it will require a great deal of work. Work that begins from the inside out, that challenges us to not only accept our mistakes but use them to do better. The first quarter moon in Taurus on the 8th lights up the night as it hangs between Uranus and the North Node; it makes a square to the Sun in Aquarius and Saturn too. A few days later, on the 12th, Mercury in Capricorn makes a trine to the North Node in Taurus, and the message is clear: The moves we make now will have enduring results, so the moves we make now must be disciplined and account for inevitable losses. What falls away, clears the way.

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