Your Horoscope This Week: February 13th to February 19th, 2022

The last days of Aquarius season are upon us. But the Aquarian influence on our collective is far from over, heralded by Mercury’s ingress into Aquarius on the 14th — just in time to add something eclectic and unexpected to our Valentine’s Day plans. Of course, with Pluto making a trine to the true node in Taurus within the same hour, what’s unsaid is just as likely to make itself known as what’s proclaimed. As is the case with many a difficult climb to a desired destination, finding sure footing often requires uncovering compromised ground. The Sun squares the true node in Taurus on the 15th, lighting the difficult way with a renewed sense of inquiry. There’s a sense here that each step is part of a larger discovery, that guarantees are hard to come by precisely because any guarantee made on compromised terms is compromised from the start. That to move forward is to relinquish certainty in exchange for something like faith. Even if it’s the simple recognition that if everything is connected, and if we change everything we touch, then some kind of change is always afoot. Venus touches Mars in Capricorn on the 16th, just hours before the full moon in Leo, adding will and devotion to whatever faith we mean to cultivate in ourselves, our role, our province. In many ways, a Leo moon is a time of gathering: gathering your people and your strength, gathering yourself in your own arms, gathering around a fire that’s meant to keep the whole house warm. Meanwhile, the next day, Jupiter in Pisces makes a sextile to Uranus, a tricky aspect that facilitates a shift, whether one is prepared for it or not. Perhaps the theme of expecting the unexpected is rightly reiterated here. Especially as we prepared for Pisces season, which arrives on our shores on the 18th with its own set of surprises.

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