From political to medical conspiracies, misinformation is at an all-time high in the U.S., and
Latinxs are among the most targeted. Every day, our communities are inundated with inaccurate information and even disinformation, content that is deliberately deceptive, that spread through memes, videos, and fake news articles on social media, WhatsApp groups, and word-of-mouth. Due to a lack of access to quality care, many Latinxs must rely on each other and often put their trust in the relatives, friends, religious clergy, and pillars of their communities who, themselves often misguided, spread this medical misinformation. Even more, even on sites that restrict and remove false information, health frauds and misinformation in languages other than English have proven more difficult to regulate because moderation teams are often English-dominant, leaving misleading Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole content to spread quicker and wider.