OD On Fragrance At The Sephora Sensorium

Are you obsessed with perfume? Can you identify the fragrance another girl is wearing just by catching a whiff of it as she walks by? Then you definitely need to check out the Sensorium, a new pop-up concept from the beauty brains at Sephora and Firmenich.
This unique exhibition/retail experiment invites you to immerse yourself in all things scent. Inside the renovated space at 414 West 14th Street, you’ll find a variety of interactive experiences, including a visual history of perfume, sensory deprivation booths, and multimedia presentations incorporating scent, sound and visuals.
Our favorite was the “Life At First Scent” area, where we found an installation labeled “Sausage Glass,” which featured the scent of Biscuits & Bacon. It was just as weird and wonderful as it sounds. At the end of the exhibit you can hit up the Fragrance Bar, where you can take a “Fragrance Flight” — a blind sniff-test of popular fragrances—and see how good your nose really is. “We really felt it was necessary to reengage the client, show them fragrance in a way that they may have never thought about it before. We hope that the Sensorium will re-ignite a love for fragrance within our clients, and help them discover their perfect scent along the way,” says Allison Slater, Sephora’s vice president of retail marketing. The exhibit will be open now through November 27. Tickets are $15 each, but they can be later redeemable as a $15 Sephora gift card, which you can handily spend at Sephora's new Meatpacking store, right around the corner. Synergy!
Photos: Courtesy of Bold PR

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