Winter Survival Plan: Curl Up In The Coziest PJs Ever

Okay, we’ve got exactly 17 days until that persnickety groundhog Punxsutawney Phil pauses from his daily schedule of doing nothing (tough life!) to give us an update on just how much more winter we're going to get — six more weeks, or a little less?
We’re obviously hoping for the latter, because this current cold front has us craving the comfort of our extra-cushy bed — and the cutest pajamas for crawling into it. While controlling the weather is beyond us, we can at least help you look chic and cozy under the covers. No doubt your roommate/pet/significant other will appreciate the upgrade from baggy sweats. Plus, wearing adorable threads in bed makes watching a full day’s worth of old Lost episodes feel a little bit less, um, lazypants.

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