Photo by Charlotte Zoller © 2011.
With all this talk of parties, contests, giveaways, and style, aren't we forgetting the point? The music! Lollapalooza is, above all, the biggest rock show on earth, and no one around here has forgotten why we go. If you're having a little trouble navigating the waters of the massive lineup and that infernal map, we'll help. Read on for our top three Lolla faves, and why we think they're worth catching. And please, please download the free Lollapalooza app, which gives you live info on who is currently playing at each stage. It's saved us more than once, and we hope it helps you, too!
1. Tennis, 8/5, 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. on the Google+ Stage. Lady-fronted Tennis is sure to be the most beautiful part of a down-'n'-dirty weekend, both visually and musically. Borrowing heavily from Yesteryear, Tennis transports you back, but reminds you it's summer 2011 with its healthy indie-rock foundation. If this is the first stop on your travels, we'll be proud. Bonus: There's a super-sweet, free download on their Myspace page!
2. Beirut, 8/6, 8:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. on the Google+ Stage. With all the craziness of the week, you may have not noticed that Beirut released a new album. It may also have escaped your attention that this album is amazing. It's a bit less vintage-circus, and a bit more indie-folky, but in a good way. A chance to witness this beautiful musical mayhem is totally worth fighting your way to the front.
3. Titus Andronicus, 8/7, 12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the Music Unlimited Stage. This is a rock concert, so go see a rock band! Half the fun of your day wandering Grant Park is stumbling upon things and sounds that are new to you. And no, we're not just talking about the latest in hula-hoop or tightrope-walking activities. Loud, high-energy, honest-to-amplifiers rock is the whole point, no?