September is the New Year of the fashion world. It's all about resolutions (I will learn to walk in these heels on cobblestone by Fashion Week!) and the whole out-with-the-old, in-with-the-new thing (goodbye florals and neon, hello lacquered fabrics and jewel tones!).
Likewise, it's a fresh start for school and work and wardrobes everywhere. So, we've rounded up some new iterations of old faithfuls that will help ease your exit from summer and reentry into the "real world" of university classes or late nights at the office. Think: A cool laptop case that won't make you dread opening your screen, a wall calendar you'll actually hang, and the perfect lightweight trench to sport all season long. Oh, and every single piece rings in under $100, so you can check that "save money" goal off your fall to-do list, too!