Street Style: What L.A.’s Hippest Chicks Are Donning For Winter

[UPDATE: This story was originally published on October 31.]
Miroslava Duma, Anna Dello Russo, Hanneli Mustaparta … they're all haute household names, thanks to a giant surge of street-style blogs over the past few years. And, while nothing gives us goose bumps quite like Emmanuelle Alt in a pair of skinnies and a leather jacket, it's the everyday ladies (and gents!) of Tinseltown that truly fuel our fashion flame. To keep that flame burning bright, we scoured the sidewalks of Lala to find out how our most stylish residents are dressing themselves for winter.
Sure, below-50-degree temps are just not happening around here (lucky us!), but that doesn't mean layering and other seasonal touches are totally out of the question. Just click through these 18 pics to get inspired for the (relatively) big chill.

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