10 Adventurous Gifts For The Globe-Trotting Couple

They're the couple whose Facebook statuses are always some version of Here ✈ There. They're the ones you swear spend more time on a beach somewhere than in their own apartments. They're the ones you call first when you get the lastest season of No Reservations on DVD.
So, for your globe-trotting friends, a coffee mug just ain't gonna cut it — a gift should aid them in their adventure-having. From great books that'll help them plan the best trip ever (until the next one, that is) to travel adapters that'll work with every outlet this side of Mars, here are the chic gifts that'll ensure you'll get a postcard the next time they head to JFK.
Need to cross off other couples on your (ever-growing) list? We'got a ton more gift options that are perfect for twosomes.