33 NYC Delivery-Food Restos To Order From…Now!

Let's be honest: While we're always telling ourselves that we're going to cook more—and, you know, channel Giada while we're at it—chances are, it's one resolution we don't end up keeping. Because, in the middle of a crazy workweek (or on a hungover Sunday night), what could possibly be better than ordering a hot, splurge-worthy meal right from the comfort of our own desk (or couch!)?
Since we know we're not alone in our love for delivery grub (admit it, you've got Seamless bookmarked, too), we got down 'n' dirty with takeout joints all over NYC to find you some seriously choice options. That's right, we noshed on pad thai, nibbled on mac 'n' cheese, and sashimi-ed our little hearts out to come up with this list of 33 must-try delivery spots in the entire city. To help you find the yummiest/fastest/cheapest eats even faster, we even narrowed them down by neighborhood. (You're welcome.) Just don't forget to tip.

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