Aries (March 21-April 19)
The sun grooves into Gemini on Monday, and suddenly, you can't stay quiet. Good thing, since the brilliant ideas are pouring out a mile a minute. Utilize Gemini’s star power and “twin up” with a kindred spirit, quadrupling productivity in the process. Saturday’s lunar eclipse brings a brewing romantic situation to a major milestone.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Wave your wand and bring on the practical magic. You’re back in your wheelhouse again, thanks to a month-long, solar-powered phase that’s all about planning and sweat-on-the-brow work (the kind your hustling sign prefers). A surprise work offer comes near the weekend, thanks to a lunar eclipse, which could pay in the form of commission or other large lump sums of cash.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Happy birth month! On Monday, the sun kicks off a month-long tour of Gemini, giving you swagger for days. Invest in your self-development: a seminal workshop, a life-changing vacay, sessions with a spiritual life coach…whatever makes you s t r e t c h. Saturday’s eclipse is very important, marking a turning point for a partnership that’s been in effect since December '12. Part company or make it official in some public way.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
With the sun camping out in your dreamy, creative 12th house from May 20 to June 21, it’s festival season for you — literally and figuratively. Don’t take on any heavy-duty commitments now. Your goal is to chill and enjoy an escapist fantasy. Or three. When you are in a productive mode, use that energy to declutter your life of all that is so last year.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
“Plays well with others” might not top your list of raves, but it’s time to embrace the spirit of cooperation. Start drafting picks for Team Leo or set aside your solo project for a month and join somebody else’s games. Your head was getting weary from always leading the pack.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Move over, Lena Dunham. There’s a new wunderkind in town. The sun blazes into your haus of ambition from May 20 to June 21, so if you want to take over the world (or your corner of it), go for it. Men are your Best Supporting Castmates in this game of thrones, with the exception of Saturday when a brilliant eclipse reveals a powerful she-ro who will champion your cause.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Spring break has come and gone, but the planets green light an early summer vacay. Surf the travel blogs and try to book tickets before this week ends. Committing to the trip makes it feel like it’s already begun. Don’t ignore the locals: This weekend is all about bursting onto a new scene. Even if you feel like a fish out of water, you’ll soon master the strokes of this new school of thought.
Your sultry side comes out to play on Monday when the sun cruises through your eighth house of seduction. This is your lane, O’ Enchanting One, and you’re sure to charm your fair share of admirers. Save your final rose for someone who hits on all levels: mind, body, and soul. Saturday’s eclipse reveals a new revenue stream. Pursue!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Make a commitment. With the sun in your house of dynamic duos from May 20 to June 21, signing on the dotted line will give you a sense of peace and comfort. Saturday’s lunar eclipse is MAJOR because it’s in your sign, Sagittarius. Your hard work of the past two and a half years may be lauded publicly, allowing you to claim a new title, step into a bigger role, and represent.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Swimsuit season stresses are creeping up, but instead of comparing your physique to narrow standards, embrace your natural shape and work it! Taking great care of your body is important though, so put your focus on feeling glow-y and energetic. Pull out your punch card from the raw juice joint, or to avoid “liquidizing” your assets, get the home setup going for your kale-apple-ginger fix.
Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
Tick-tock, Aquarius. That’s the sound of the clock, and your heart. On Monday, the Gemini sun turns up the heat on amour. Hurry up and express your adoration before you-know-who slips away. Already attached? Appreciation is the rescue remedy your relationship needs. Stop fuming and focus on what you are grateful for.
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Memorial Day rager at your place! With the sun lighting up your domestic sector for a month, you’re the host with the most. Spiff up Chateau Pisces and invite some out-of-town guests. Also, Saturday’s eclipse brings big news for your career. That once-in-a-lifetime offer may finally roll in. A little out of your league? Yes, but what you don’t know, you’ll learn along the way.
Identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edut — known as The AstroTwins — are professional astrologers with over 15 years experience in astrology, publishing, and coaching. Their columns and predictions reach millions every month.