Justin Bieber biopic alert! Davis Guggenheim, the director of An Inconvenient Truth, is in negotiations to helm this movie and Bieber will star as himself...in 3D, natch. (Deadline)
And, in another step towards total world domination, Harper Collins announced today that Bieber will also release a memoir, entitled, Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story. (Celebritology)
It's the fifteen-year anniversary of Clueless's release. We still find this flick as fashionable and quotable as ever, and it's still true: Everywhere in L.A. takes twenty minutes. (Jezebel)
Katy Perry dances and sings in an extra-large banana split. Is this a stroke of surrealist genius or just a tad too much for the California Gurl? (StyleList)
While we can't wait for his full-length feature film debut, whenever that may be, all eyes are glued to Ryan McGinley's short film featuring Abbey Lee Kershaw about suicide for a South Korean fashion house. (FashionCopious)