5 Ways To Make Your Friends Think You Got “Work” Done

Did she, or didn’t she? That’s a question that gets lobbed around quite a lot here in Hollywood, but just because you want a quick pick-me-up for your face doesn’t mean you need to consider going under the knife. On the contrary, there are plenty of products and procedures out on the market that offer maximum results with minimum pain, all while keeping you awake, conscious, and anesthesia-free. Whether it’s a miracle cream, minor injections, or a gadget that promises to shave years off your tired visage, we’ve got the five best ways to perk up your face and get you glowing and gorgeous without even looking at an operating table.
We asked Dr. Jessica Wu, L.A.’s premiere dermatologist, best-selling author, and Good Morning America’s go-to beauty expert to dish on some easy, effective, and relatively non-invasive products and procedures to refresh your face without going under the knife. Be sure to click through to see her top tips, plus some of the absolute best anti-aging products you need to try now to get younger and healthier skin sans going under the knife.

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