Lily Collins talks the pains of waxing for Lucky's April issue. And, she's not talking eyebrows. (Styleite)
Festival season may not last 100 days, but here are 100 dresses to carry you through the sonic trenches and beyond. (Keep)
Lady Gaga enlisted the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for her super-secret, über-artistic music video. Real Haus-wives of Gaga, anyone? (ONTD!)
Kate Winslet's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind character should've made the whole manic-pixie-dream-girl thing obsolete. Spoiler alert: it didn't. (Flavorwire)
"Sext each other like the NSA is watching and you want to put on a fantastic show," is just one of 10 eye-opening sexytime tips from our girl, Stoya. Happy sexting! (The New Inquiry)