Lena Dunham's book doesn't come out until September, but eager readers can start consuming Not That Kind of Girl now with this very Dunham-y excerpt. (The Cut)
Budding animators and curious minds alike can make their own Pixar movie now that the animation tycoon released its RenderMan software to the public. (Geek)
Oh, and there's also a course for future Essos dwellers to become fluent in Dothraki. (PopWatch)
Among one of yesterday's big economy announcements, the Institute for Supply Management revised its manufacturing report to reflect the predicted upswing in global production this coming June. (Business Insider)
On the cosmic front: NASA’s Kepler space telescope discovered a "Mega-Earth" planet on Monday. Previously, the administration was under the impression that Earth-like planets more than 10 times the mass of ours, called "Super-Earths," couldn't exist. (The Washington Post)
In more "discovery" news, expect many to be made when the Oliver Stone film based on Edward Snowden and the NSA comes out. The Platoon director hopes to begin shooting before the year is over. (The Guardian)
Gender-bending designer J.W. Anderson just launched his first online retail site, moved to a new HQ, and brought BoF behind the scenes to show what really goes into being one of fashion's most promising labels today. (Business of Fashion)
And, finally, the Times' visual op-ed columnist penned a well-thought-out manifesto to complement the still-buzzing #YesAllWomen hashtag campaign. It's called #YesAllMen and argues "it’s very important for everyone to be a feminist." Amen. (The New York Times)