Jennifer Garner pulled a Gwyneth and coined the phrase "mindful marriage," which sounds like the polar opposite of consciously uncoupling. (Huffington Post)
Since a Facebook group devoted to '90s soda SURGE garnered almost 150K likes (really not that many when you think about it), Coca-Cola is reissuing the drink exclusively through Amazon. And, while we're on the subject of sugary beverage re-issues, The Awl says they're a sign of the "everything is crashing down" precipice of the apocalypse.
Your daily fitness tip: This simple form tweak that most runners forget will do wonders for your stride.
Apple knows you don't want U2's album, so it's made a how-to for haters to delete it. Speaking of the tech giant, iPhone 6 preorders are at an all-time high. (Oh, and here's a neat trick to figure out if that new iPhone will fit in your pocket/purse/palm.)
Kimye's wedding lasted longer than Wendy Williams predicted and now she's eating crow. And, while we're talking about unprecedented Kanye West news, the rapper responded to Wheelchairgate by saying that he's a "married, Christian man."
China's texters-only lane sounds ridiculous — and also it's probably not real — but it'll probably arrive here in due time. (Yahoo Travel)
Finally, Starbucks will test out the "short" Frappuccino — a.k.a. the 100 calorie version of its now iconic drink. (Grub Street)