Fox's Empire has booked Lenny Kravitz, Chris Rock, and Alicia Keys for the first of its A-list guest stars in season 2. (The Hollywood Reporter)
A woman in Xalapa, Mexico is so obsessed with Coca-Cola that she turned her house into a soda shrine. (Vice)
Celebrity chef Sandra Lee will undergo a double mastectomy after being diagnosed with breast cancer in March. (People)
Nicole Eramo, an associate dean of students at the University of Virginia, filed a $7.5 million lawsuit for defamation against Rolling Stone and reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely. (The Washington Post)
Swipe right? Actor Aziz Ansari gives some sound Tinder advice in his new book Modern Romance. (Vanity Fair)
ABC has added The Muppets and three new dramas to its fall roster. (Variety)
Traveler's belly blows! Read up on what to eat and what to steer clear of, before you jet set. (Yahoo Travel)
Look out, Orange County: The Real Housewives are back with what looks like their most dramatic season ever! (Us Weekly)