8 Things You Need To Know This AM — Nov 26 2015

Here's how you can make the most out of your layover today.

Let's be real: A layover can be a total pain, especially when you're traveling during the holiday season. But thanks to a growing number of airport spas, salons, beauty boutiques, and 24-hour vending machines, you might find yourself enjoying your time trapped inside. There are even a few destinations on our list that feature free yoga and a place to take a much-needed shower. (Read More)
You need these six apps for stress-free holiday travel.

We have one mantra for this week’s return of holiday travel: Remain calm. If you're ready to go, download these apps, and head into the season of gratitude with thanks for the technology that improves your travel experience in countless ways — or at least six. Traffic and flight delays, consider yourselves defeated. (Read More)
Here are three totally creative, delicious recipes that cost only $5 and include five ingredients.

Is it just me, or can contributing to a Thanksgiving dinner get unexpectedly expensive and complicated, really fast? Something you thought would be an easy task, like stuffing, can turn into a whole day in the kitchen, with way too many ingredients. But things don't have to be that hard. In fact, in my culinary book, simpler is better. (Read More)
These Trader Joe's Thanksgiving hacks will change your life.

If you're required to bring a dish to your family's Turkey Day festivities, you probably want something fast to make, and delicious. We tried making Thanksgiving-worthy food by combining items from Trader Joe's frozen foods section. And the results were totally worth it. (Read More)
Eat all you want: we have 11 no-fail ways to look good –and stay comfy– this Thanksgiving.

Let's face it, getting stuffed is a part of Thanksgiving, so we might as well be prepared. Forget the too-tight pants that you want to, nay, need to unbutton; begone with the grubby sweats you wear to the gym. Instead, we're all about picks that are both cozy and elevated. Click ahead for what to expect when you're expecting: food baby edition. (Read More)
Our list of family-friendly binge watches are rated PG to ensure there are no awkward moments with your parents.

After the dishes are washed and you've decided against breaking out the Monopoly board, most people turn to the warming glow of TV to space out and enjoy a food coma. But what can you watch that will make everyone happy, from Grandma to your 12-year-old sibling? We have some suggestions. (Read More)
There's a real reason it's called Black Friday – and it's not what you think.

We took a look at how Black Friday breaks down, the truth behind its name (the first couple of instances it was used actually had nothing to do with retailers going "in the black"), the amount of money it generates, and the human costs we pay for doorbusters, BOGO deals, and holiday discounts. (Read More)
We asked nine retail workers to share their most memorable tales from working Black Friday.

Black Friday: For some, it’s an excuse to bundle up indoors and recover from a tryptophan-induced hangover. For others, it’s a crack-of-dawn call to arms in the name of big savings. The day after Thanksgiving has historically been one of the busiest shopping days of the year; last year, stores raked in around $50.9 billion (!) over the holiday weekend. (Read More)

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