The Fashion Predictions We’re Betting On For 2016

Some of the most satisfying moments in life are when something you’ve predicted — against a crowd of non-believers — actually happens. It’s when a certain sneaker style turns from lame to cool over the course of a summer. Or when a creative director prematurely leaves his post at a legacy fashion house, catching everyone by surprise (except you). In an industry that’s characterized by a crushing pace of newness and novelty, prediction-making is a fun sport: Things play out at a speed that’s unlike many other industries, which means you can have the satisfaction of having called it first, faster.
If there’s anything that defined 2015, it was that big news moments became the norm. Huge business upheavals, major industry controversies, and bold trends that took guts to wear (ahem, naked dresses), became commonplace. What happened this past year set the stage for 2016, which we think is going to be as chock-full of major moments, retail shifts, and clothes that really reflect the times. Read through to see what we’re placing our bets on — and make sure to leave yours in the comments. You’ll need a paper trail to cash in on the bragging rights later.


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