A Hair Out Of Place: Sunglasses Made From Human Strands

We're all for reusing and recycling whenever possible, but this is one instance that really makes us stop and think—sunglasses made of hair. Two graduates, Azusa Murakami and Alexander Groves, of the UK's Royal College of Art are using the world's "abundant" supply of human hair to make 100% biodegradable frames. This isn't the only hairy trend we've spotted of late: Necklaces made of human hair take a disgusting (yet somehow very, very pretty) spin on this raw material (warning: cannot be unseen). The glasses are definitely a more viable option. You'd never know from looking at 'em—a more than passable tortoiseshell effect is achieved by weaving black, blonde, and brown strands together in an intricate pattern. There's even a pair in the spirit of Harry (or should we say Hairy?!!?) Potter. They look cute, but sort of make our hair stand on end... What do you think? (Dezeen)

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