How To Master Celebrity Airport Style In Time For The Holidays

Frequent traveler or not, you've probably noticed (or heard) how flying has changed over time. Once a luxury experience, it's now marked by annoyances like lost baggage, never-ending TSA lines, and delays, not to mention the chit-chatty seat neighbor who can't take a hint. The dress code has also slackened dramatically, giving way to an über-casual passenger uniform that feels sloppy at best. Well, with all of the holiday travel in our forecast for the next month or so, we're determined to bring the glamour of the past to our upcoming flight schedule.
To start, we turned to those who exude sophistication while on the go — namely our favorite celebs — for airport outfit inspiration. Because really, what's more fun than dressing like a posse of paparazzi is on your tail? After gathering their formulas for no-fail, comfy-chic ensembles, we took to recreating them ourselves with sporty brand Starter. While we can't promise the four looks ahead will make you immune to flight delays, we can guarantee they'll make you feel like the coolest girl at the gate. Now, if we could just get someone to pack our bags for us...