Feeling sick, sad, and beyond repair? New Yorkers have plenty of reasons to fall under these three categories, from exhaustive morning commutes to unhygienic Bushwick communes (and everything in between). But Russian-born artist Alexander Melamid says you needn’t set foot into a medical clinic or pop a Xanax to sooth what ails you. Known in the motherland for leading the Sots Art Movement (Pop Art, but Soviet), which visually spoke out against the imagery of Soviet propaganda, he quickly had to flee to avoid being persecuted for his work. Now a New Yorker, he claims he can heal you with art, whether you suffer from major physical or psychological afflictions using installation space to surround patients with master artist works both modern and classic, projected imagery, and meditation. Do you think this might work?
Art Healing Ministry, launching May 25th. Visits and treatments available immediately. 98 Thompson Street (between Spring and Prince streets), Soho; 212 -334-0403.