How To Wear All Black In The Summer Without Looking Like You’ve Made A Mistake

For those of us whose closets look like a black pit (of wonderfulness, that is), just because it's sweltering out doesn't mean you'll have to start wearing white or — heaven forbid — colors all of a sudden. The first step is acknowledging that the cards are indeed stacked against you: Black fibers retain much more heat than other shades, you can't default to your go-to pieces like leather moto jackets and black denim, and retailers haven't quite caught on that a sundress doesn't have to be dyed like an Easter egg.
The second step is to go outside your comfort zone. You probably love black because it's no-nonsense, all-purpose, and makes everything look a little more slick. But wearing the same black cutoffs and tank top every day doesn't give you fashion butterflies; experiement with unconventional shapes, lengths, and fabrics that let you get away with wearing less while making more of an impact.
For steps three, four, five, and beyond, click through to see how a few dark horses have made their all-black outfits work in the heat.

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