Time To Celebrate: Pieces We’re Proud To Shop At American Apparel

In light of the recent controversy over at American Apparel HQ, it's worth remembering that the brand's clothes remain wonderfully untouched by the aura of ickiness that sometimes permeates those provocative ad campaigns (and that's to say nothing of CEO Dov Charney's current, ahem, debacle). The clothing is still just as trendy, wearable, and affordable as ever, a fact that had been overshadowed by AA's highly sexualized photography and libertine founder.
Now that the company is (finally!) making amends for its ex-CEO's very questionable actions, we're more than happy to put it back on our shopping radar. Click ahead to see the American Apparel pieces we'll happily shop as well as the aesthetic the now-Dov Charney-free label should consider adopting for future photo shoots. More of this, AA.