What can you get for $4.95? Coffee, a snack, A DRESS? Oh H&M, how we love thee! (Vogue)
Today is National Waffle Day! Help commemorate the first U.S. patent for the waffle iron by gorging yourself on delicious, syrupy goodness! Don't forget to stop by the Wafels & Dinges truck, and get a free waffle in exchange for a drawing. We've already started sketching. (Gothamist)
Don't worry hipsters, the Jelly NYC Pool Parties are safe—for now....(New York Times)
Anna Wintour talks to Opening Ceremony's Humberto Leon about Fashion's Night Out, jeans, and Madonna? Interessssting. (Opening Ceremony)
Don't piss off the neighbors! New York Fashion Week is making efforts to reach out to the local UWS community, with, uh, internships. (WSJ)