Slideshow: Artist Attempts To Draw All The Buildings In New York City

Yes, all of them. Australian Illustrator James Gulliver Hancock has set for himself one of those goals that is both so ridiculously simple in conception and ridiculously gargantuan in scale it boggles the mind. Again, he's attempting to draw every building in New York City and, according to his project blog (All The Buildings In New York), the Brooklyn transplant has been hard at work at it since last August. Given that a cursory search of the Internet suggested that there's over 336,000 structures in the five boroughs, Hancock may be at it for quite some time. Currently, he seems to be working through some of our usual haunts in Soho and the Lower East Side. Take a look through our slide show of some of his best work or visit his blog to see if the ambitious artist has sketched your favorite building, go-to joint, or even your home. Who needs a Red Bull? (Kottke)

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