Here’s How To Shop Consciously And Get Rewarded For It

By now, those of us who dared to wake up on January 1 with any degree of cautious optimism have realized that — sike! — this year is just 2020: Extended Edition. But while it would be easy to lapse back into the meh-ness of the past 2,937 days, we can still choose to do better, starting with the nation's second-favorite pastime after doomscrolling: online shopping.
For us, that means making a firm commitment to buying 1) only from brands we believe in and 2) in a way that doesn't harm the planet, two goals that can be accomplished in one fell swoop with Aspiration, a banking alternative that doesn't invest customer deposits in fossil fuels and offers cash back when you make a purchase from select mission-driven merchants. (Aspiration Plus customers can earn up to 10% cash back.) Ahead, see six socially minded retailers where hitting "buy" is much more than the exchange of cash for goods.