The one thing I absolutely, positively cannot live without is…
"A hand-held folding fan. My body temperature never dips below warmish, so I constantly carry a fan with me. I get weird looks on the subway in the middle of winter, but comfort comes before making friends on the train."
Current food obsession...
"I’ve been eating water chestnuts directly out of the can lately. I don’t what that’s all about."
The one song I can listen to over and over...and over to is…
“'Battle of Who Could Care Less' by Ben Folds Five. It makes me happy every time I hear it, even though it’s basically a sarcastic three-minute dig at someone too unmotivated to leave the house."
My must-have cheap thrill...
“Karaoke. Singing is my favorite thing in the world, not to mention there’s nothing quite like choosing a song that inspires a bunch of strangers to sing along with you.”