Best ’80s Flashback Yet: Guess Which Truly Awesome Movie Is Coming To Broadway

It's an obvious ploy to boost lagging ticket sales, drawing not-so-typically theater-going crowds to Broadway, but lately, Hollywood blockbusters on the Great White Way have become as ubiquitous as a broken heel in the MPD. There are those successes like Billy Elliot and The Lion King, and then there are the duds like Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark and (we're guessing) the upcoming production of Ghost.
But now, rumor has it that one of our favorite '80s flicks of all time is about to take its turn on the stage. Get your flux capacitors, um, fluxxing because — wait for it — Back To The Future is coming to Broadway. Oh man, who didn't love that movie as a kid (possibly, some of us still watch it with our dads every single time it's on TBS)? So many questions though: Will there be a real DeLorean on the stage? Will Christopher Lloyd reprise his role as Doc (please, please, please, say yes!)? Who's going to play Biff (Kellan Lutz, this role is calling your name)? Will Michael J. Fox at least make an opening night cameo? See, so many questions. Clearly, we can barely contain our excitement. How about you? (Gothamist)

Photo: Via Gothamist

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