The Worst Post-Date Texts We’ve Ever Read (Courtesy Of Williamsburg)

Yikes! Candice, a 31-year old New Yorker went out with a man she met in a Williamsburg bar (red flag number one—kidding!), didn't love it, and went on with her life — kind of. The date, who showed up to The Avengers wearing a fedora (red flags two and three, respectively) sent some enthusiastic texts soon after, and was kindly brushed off by Candice. However, Mr. Fedora refused to take "no" for an answer. In increasingly rude SMSs, Mr. F escalated from, "I don't want to waste my time," to the classic "your loss," to an outrageous message "meant for someone else" calling Candice a "5.5 out of 10" and bragging about another promising date with "Nancy." Candice didn't respond, resulting in Mr. F letting her know the message was "not about [her] at all" and that he hopes she is well.

Naturally, Candice sent screen shots of the offending texts to Gawker (thank you technology!) and now we can all get a virtual taste of the wonders and perils of NYC dating. But really, what are we supposed to do with the other six days
doesn't air? (Gawker)


Photo: Courtesy of Gawker

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