We all push boundaries at work. Sometimes it's in the form of creative, far-out thinking — the kind that gets you major cred with your boss. Other times, testing the waters turns a little more rebellious: traffic takes the blame for a latte-induced late arrival, an online flash sale gets priority over a deadline, or — if you're like us — a mesh top leaves little to the imagination. Style restrictions are ones we especially enjoy toying with, even when the items we really want to wear have no place in an office setting. Or do they?
You see, with strategic layering and accessorizing, risqué trends can be deemed professional. Inspired by some other skilled workplace envelope-pushers — namely the not-necessarily-rule-abiding cast of Bravo's Below Deck Mediterranean — we created five ways to wear some of the season's coolest skin-baring trends that won't get you invited into HR. In fact, you'll stay firmly planted on your professional A-game. Strapless tops, miniskirts, and all. Click on for the proof.